5 Signs Money Is Coming To you

Oct 03, 2019

Number one is patience. So before I get into that, you may be thinking, "patience? That stupid, give me something more exciting". What I mean by that is if you aren't in a state of patience then essentially you're in a state of lack. In a course in miracles, it says that infinite patience breeds immediate results.

And what that means is when you're in a state of patience, you're in a state of knowing. You're in a state of, I know that this money is coming as opposed to, Oh man, I really need it to come. Coming from a place of "need" consciousness is an energy of "I do not have".

when you're in that place it can become fanatic and you end up working too many hours. I used to work all the time, but I didn't have any money. Why? Because I didn't have any patients. I was in an energy of not having. I wanted it, but I did not have it because everything is really two things. Money included. It's the presence of it or the absence of it in existence in the physical realm. But this is true also in the realm of consciousness.

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