Wayne Dyer's Most Powerful Law of Attraction Secret

Sep 26, 2019

Wayne Dyers most powerful law of attraction secrets. If you want to manifest what you want, this will change your life. When I learned this Wayne Dyer secret for manifesting, all my dreams came true! Before I was so confused on how am I to get there? Everything started unfolding in my life. Real miracles.

Dyre is my favorite spiritual teacher in the entire world. And you know, I was struggling. I was putting up my vision boards. I was saying my affirmations. I knew what my goals were. I was working really hard, but I wasn't getting there. And I came across something that Wayne Dyer said, "you don't get what you want". I was like, what the heck? You don't get what you want? That's what I thought you've been telling me this whole time.

"You don't get what you want. You get what you are!"

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