Ask Believe Receive | Law of Attraction

Aug 01, 2019

Ask, believe, receive. You've heard it in the Bible, you heard it in the law of attraction teachings, you've probably seen it as a motivational quote above your friend's bathroom while you were going potty and you were like, man, that's inspiring.

But how do you actually ask, believe and receive? The trouble is nobody's teaching this. There's so many people teaching the law of attraction. There's so many people teaching how to get rich. There's so many people that are all around inspiring people, but they're missing something that Sigmund Freud was actually showing us how to get the things that you want in life.

This is essentially forgotten teachings that we've swept under the rug and we've replaced it with other things that haven't really worked.

You probably heard somebody say, "Just ask the universe for what you want and by Golly it will show up!" One of three things will happen.

One is you will ask for what you want and you will not get it.

Number two is you will ask for what you want and you will get it.

Number three is you will ask for what you want, get it, and then sabotage it.

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