How To Get Rich In 2019

Sep 03, 2019

Five signs that money is coming your way. Here's five signs that you're going to get rich in 2019 and beyond. Now, I can tell you these with absolute certainty because not too long ago I met an individual that became my mentor and his name is Bob proctor. He gave me five takeaways, five signs that money was going to come into my life.


I want to share these with you because without fail, if you see these signs, you are going to see your bank account grow quickly.


Get Rich In 2019 # 1

You are focused on the process of adding value and you have forgotten about money.


Yes. You heard that, right? And this is a total paradox, but let me tell you, I thought about money every single day when I didn't have it. I think about money less than I ever have ever thought about it.

Now that I'm financially independent. Bob proctor told me, "look, the irony is that you actually think about money all the time when you don't have it and when you have money, you hardly ever think about it because it becomes obsolete. In essence, your attention gets focused elsewhere.


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