How To Talk To God

Aug 19, 2019

In Genesis 1:31, it says that God looked down on all that he made and saw that it was good. God looked out at everything created and said it was good. From a nonbiblical standpoint, there was an Indian guru named Mukdanonda once had all of his people in his ashram. He looked out at all them and asked, what is the difference between good and God?

Everyone was silent in thought and wonder. The guru held up his hand forming a zero with him thumb and fingers. There is zero difference between good and God. In fact, how to communicate with God is to recognize that God is good.

By you intending to feel good, you connect to the supreme consciousness of the universe and when you're connected to that supreme consciousness of the universe and you're feeling good, it's not a mental activity. This is coming from a state of being and when that occurs, what happens?

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