Most Powerful Law of Attraction Coaching Technique

Sep 17, 2019

Number One, Law of attraction coaching technique for manifesting anything you want fast. I said the word fast and it seems kind of like a paradox when things coming fast in this material world where things come slow is what we expect. But nothing could be further from the truth.

At present time I have just under 500,000 youtube subscribers and this channel has got maybe like 40 million views all in the last two or three years. It wasn't that long ago, I remember starting to get frustrated because I had put a lot of time and money and effort for a while into youtube and I wasn't getting results from it.

I was spending money on camera editing, all these things that I didn't like. I didn't know if I could justify the effort I was putting into it anymore because it wasn't getting a return. And I was getting like one subscriber a day, some days in the negatives, like negative two because maybe I didn't get any subscribers and I published a video and some people didn't like it, so they unsubscribed.

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