Scripting Techniques for Manifesting Money

Jun 17, 2019

Scripting made me a millionaire. This is the number one law of attraction technique for manifesting more money. This is a way no one talks about. Nobody tells you. I  intuitively developed it and then later found out it's called scripting. This allowed me to go from my wife being in debt because I couldn't pay for anything to us being millionaires. And I want to share this with you because it's very, very powerful to attract prosperity and freedom in your life. 


Okay. So when I was in high school, I had a teacher that would do creative writing. She'd set the timer for 15 minutes and you'd make up your own stories. And the only rule was you weren't supposed to think about it. You weren't supposed to stop and be like, what should I write? You're supposed to always keep the pen on the paper and then just write and write and write and write and write and see what came out. As I learned about the subconscious mind I would wonder why am I still struggling so much financially?

I realized this is all about my belief systems. So what I started doing was talking about what I wanted in the present tense and scripting with my pen in hand.

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