The Universe Will Give You Anything You Want If You Remember This

Oct 01, 2019

The universe will give you anything that you want. When you do this thing, the universe quickly responds and conspires with you to help you manifest the images that you're holding in your mind that you want in your life.

See, there's so many stories of things not working out the way that people want, that our society has condensed, conditioned us to ask ourselves the wrong question. And the question that we often ask is, what's the worst that can happen? And so all of reality is a holographic mirror. You're outside world's holographic mirror that reflects back to you the images in your subconscious.

So our whole life we're kind of conditioned to say, what's the worst that could happen? I really want this money, but what's the worst that could happen? I really want my soulmate. But whats the worst that can happen? I could get a divorce like my parents and yadayadaya..

The media is always talking about the worst that can happen. We are programmed to believe that way. We're conditioned this way so we get a big dream, a big idea, and we always ask ourselves, well, what's the worst that can happen? And we start visualizing those bad things.

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