This Manifestation Technique Will Change Your Life

Jun 22, 2019


This manifestation technique can absolutely change your life. This is what allowed me to go from my wife being in debt because nothing was working out in my career to living in our dream life.

If you can tap into your consciousness and the power of your consciousness using this technique, you can also manifest not only anything that you want, but the crazy thing about it is when you really use this technique, it's beyond what you can imagine. Those are the things that you manifest. It's like "Man, I never would have imagined it would've got this good this fast." That's what this technique will do.

I was talking to someone and they were saying "Okay, so I just got to convince myself that I already have the income that I want." I said "You have the entire thing a little bit off. You're not trying to convince yourself mentally of anything. 

You're trying to feel as if you've already attained what it is that you want to obtain." The reason that I carry an index card that has my goals on it and they're written in the present tense and it's all crumpled up and I carry it with me everywhere I go.

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