The Dark Side Of Tarot Cards And Psychic Readings

Dec 14, 2020

There's a dark side to tarot card readings and having psychic readings. Most notably, it happens through tarot cards and pick-a-cards. I'm going to talk about it because it's super important. It's really causing a lot of damage to a lot of people and they don't realize it's happening. 

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Morning Affirmations For The Most Powerful Morning Routine Ever

Nov 14, 2020

Morning affirmations are probably the best way to get your mind working bright and early. They are prime opportunities to start to train your subconscious mind. If you say the right affirmations, they become like magnets that help you attract what you want into your life. And so in this video, I'm going to share with you 11 morning affirmations that you can use for the perfect morning routine.

Click the following link to continue reading  Morning Affirmations For The Most Powerful Morning Routine Ever

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3 Powerful Prayers For A Financial Breakthrough

Nov 12, 2020

Prayer is the most powerful way to start to summon the forces of abundance in your life. I'm going to share with you three of the most powerful financial breakthrough prayers. This is a prayer for financial breakthroughs that you can start to utilize in your life to see your bank account grow. The problem is most people don't know how to pray, and if they know how to pray, they're doing the wrong prayers. So they aren't having the financial breakthroughs that they want. Let's dive right in!

Click the following link to continue reading  3 Powerful Prayers For A Financial Breakthrough

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Manifest What You Want Now By Talking To The Universe Like This!

Oct 28, 2020

You can talk to the universe. You can manifest what you want now. I'm going to share with you exactly how to talk to the universe so that you can manifest what you want in life snd you can start to receive signs and blessings from the universe a lot quicker by learning how to communicate with it in three simple and easy steps.

Click the following link to continue reading   Manifest What You Want Now By Talking To The Universe Like This!

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Law of Attraction Dating Secret Explained

Oct 22, 2020

This is my number one law of attraction dating secret. You need to stop chasing love. You need to stop chasing relationships. You need to stop chasing people that you want to attract into your life. This thing i'm about to show you is the greatest dating hack the entire world and landed me my soulmate and we just had our first beautiful baby girl, together.

Click the following link to continue reading  Law of Attraction Dating Secret Explained

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Exactly How To Make Money In 2020!

Oct 06, 2020

I have people asking, "how do I make more money?" Because they need more. They realized after all the shutdown happenings, they need to make money from home. I am going to show you exactly how to make money in 2020.

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Manifest Whatever You Want In 24 Hours

Oct 01, 2020

If you want to manifest what you want in 24 hours it's as simple as doing it in three easy steps. I'm going to share with you those three easy steps. I'm also going to tell you a little bit about what Einstein would have to say about this. He said that time doesn't really exist. So if time doesn't really exist, then that must mean what you want in the future, Already exists now as a possibility in the invisible quantum field. So if you know how to harness the power of your own consciousness, you can actually attract miracles into your life in a relatively fast period of time. Let's dive in.

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Shocking Law of Attraction Technique To Manifest Money Part 1

Jul 03, 2019


You can manifest more money and It's not what anybody tells you. I was in economics class as a freshman in college and I asked my teacher why we couldn't audit the Federal Reserve.

He told me to be quiet and I started thinking maybe this system is set up for us to fail and it wasn't until years later where my girlfriend was in debt because I couldn't pay for anything, nothing in my career was working out, that I stumbled upon the secrets to money.

These are the secrets that the richest, the wealthiest and most successful people in the world know how around how to manifest money. And when I apply these into my life, I became a millionaire in a very short period of time using the law of attraction and using these teachings on consciousness.

I learned them from Stuart Wilde. One of the greatest metaphysical teachers in the world.

This is a three-part series and this is all about his two-hour talk on mastery of money. I can't put the video in for copyright issues. So I break it...

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What is Blocking The Law Of Attraction?

Jun 24, 2019

Have you ever asked yourself, what is blocking the law of attraction? What is blocking me? What is stopping me from manifesting what I want? How can I speed up the process to attract the money, the job, the love, the adventure, whatever it is that I want? It's a beautiful day out here in the beautiful islands of Hawaii and this blog is going to change your life.

 This is something that just happened and it's really gonna open up the floodgates. Life is meant to flow. The Universe is conspiring on your behalf, but you're blocking it from happening and you don't know it yet.

My good buddy started their own business and I just saw them. I was just talking to them and they just got their first main client and they were so excited and I said, "you're going to have 10 before you know it", and they say back, "yeah if I could just pay my rent, that'd be great." And I said, "that'd be great.

But also don't set it too low. Don't set the bar too low." You know, Michael Angelo had a...

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How To Manifest Anything You Want In 24 Hours Or Less

Jun 18, 2019


How to manifest anything that you want in 24 hours or less. Anything that you want in 24 hours or less. It sounds absolutely crazy but I'm going to give you a visualization, a meditation, the most powerful visualization, the most powerful meditation you can use if you want to manifest anything that you want in 24 hours or less.

Some great things are about to happen in your life fast. "How to manifest in 24 hours? That sounds stupid!" Yeah, but Albert Einstein said something really interesting. He said, essentially that time doesn't exist. It does not exist. It's a construct we've created in our minds in order to cope with the reality that we live in a totally infinite universe.

It's like impossible to even comprehend. Science says that energy is never created or destroyed. Everything is energy. The money you want, the car you want, the house you want, the job you want, the soulmate you want, the lifestyle you want, the relationship that you want, the reality that you want -...

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