Shocking Law of Attraction Coaching Tip To Manifest Anything!!!

Oct 10, 2019

Here is a shocking law of attraction coaching tip that will radically shift your perspective and allow you to effectively use the law of attraction instead of wanting and wishing and not receiving. I'm so happy you're here! Let's dive in.


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Shocking Law of Attraction Technique To Attract Money

Oct 08, 2019

As we start here, please say with me, "I will be rich" out loud. And let it really echo in all the cells of your body. If you want to attract money, what has to happen is your conditioning or your perception about money has to shift. You can have a lot of money and you can have a lot of freedom. How does that feel to hear? Do you resist that idea and come up with justifications and reasons why it's not really true? Let's get deeper into this.

If you look at a lot of the census polls and the Gallup polls and things like that along with the statistics on the federal reserve, what you find is the vast majority of people are in debt. They don't have any savings and they're underpaid. People are retiring without money. The normal is to not have the economic freedom that you truly crave. That's the normal. So in order to step out of the normal, what do we have to do? We have to recondition our mind so it is no longer normal in our reality and paradigm. This is the beginning of you...

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Law of Attraction Visualization Dangers!

Oct 07, 2019

Everything is energy. Reality is projection of consciousness. Your consciousness is what determines what you experience in life. Most people will push the things they want into the future with their visualizations.

My life changed when I stopped this and changed my process. I thought visualization was supposed to be like daydreaming. You just lie there and you imagine your life the way that you want it to be...but it's not.


If you do that, you're passively saying to your subconscious mind, I do not have this thing. Your subconscious mind doesn't know what you do or do not want. It just responds to the frequency or the energy that you are broadcasting from your own consciousness.


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How To Ignore Negative Manifestations

Oct 06, 2019

How do we ignore negative manifestations and attract whatever we want? I'm excited to share this with you. How do we ignore negative manifestations? Blocks are the number one thing that disallows people from getting what they want in life. Let's dive right into this.

So one of the main things that blocks people from getting what they want in life is they don't know how to ignore "negative" manifestations. So many people will log into their mobile banking and there's no money in it or they don't get what they want, or a relationship doesn't work out or something they thought was going to work out, doesn't and what happens is we react and internalize whats happening.

We're conditioned to react to what we see or hear. When we do that, we're living at a very small bandwidth of reality. You want more money and then you look at your mobile banking and there's still no money in there. So you might say, "I am broke" or "this isn't working". But as soon as you do that, what you're doing is...

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Nightly Rituals To Manifest While You Sleep

Oct 04, 2019

Aloha friends! Here are five rituals you must practice before bed to manifest while you sleep. Sleep is the best time to reprogram your subconscious and actually put new desires, new realities, and new possibilities into your subconscious.

The reason is, just before you drift off into sleep, your conscious mind disappears. Psychologists tell us the subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives. So if you can utilize sleep to tap into your subconscious and reprogram it, then you can attract whatever you want and really you can manifest while you're asleep. So here are five rituals you must practice before bed to manifest while you sleep.

First of all, before we get into point number one, here's what I want to say. All is well. Life is going to get better. I can tell you that sometimes it goes this way, but then it always goes back up this way. Number one, which is to get yourself into that energy of "all as well" before the night comes to an end.

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5 Signs Money Is Coming To you

Oct 03, 2019

Number one is patience. So before I get into that, you may be thinking, "patience? That stupid, give me something more exciting". What I mean by that is if you aren't in a state of patience then essentially you're in a state of lack. In a course in miracles, it says that infinite patience breeds immediate results.

And what that means is when you're in a state of patience, you're in a state of knowing. You're in a state of, I know that this money is coming as opposed to, Oh man, I really need it to come. Coming from a place of "need" consciousness is an energy of "I do not have".

when you're in that place it can become fanatic and you end up working too many hours. I used to work all the time, but I didn't have any money. Why? Because I didn't have any patients. I was in an energy of not having. I wanted it, but I did not have it because everything is really two things. Money included. It's the presence of it or the absence of it in existence in the physical realm. But this is true...

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The Worlds Darkest Secret (And How To Break Free)

Oct 03, 2019

The darkest secret ...That sounds bad, but having this awareness around the secrets of the world is actually going to help you upgrade your consciousness and become the happiest and best version of yourself. So theres a chance you won't believe that this is happening, but it has happened and this is going to be quite liberating.

We all know Sigmund Freud, right? The grandfather of psychology and psychotherapy. And basically his discoveries, in a nutshell, helped us discover the unconscious mind and the bizarre motives of the unconscious mind.

Now insert his nephew, Edward Bernays, who saw a great opportunity to profit off his uncle's discoveries. And basically what he did is he created public relations. He created PR. He went to the biggest companies in the world like banks and places on wall street.


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The Universe Will Give You Anything You Want If You Remember This

Oct 01, 2019

The universe will give you anything that you want. When you do this thing, the universe quickly responds and conspires with you to help you manifest the images that you're holding in your mind that you want in your life.

See, there's so many stories of things not working out the way that people want, that our society has condensed, conditioned us to ask ourselves the wrong question. And the question that we often ask is, what's the worst that can happen? And so all of reality is a holographic mirror. You're outside world's holographic mirror that reflects back to you the images in your subconscious.

So our whole life we're kind of conditioned to say, what's the worst that could happen? I really want this money, but what's the worst that could happen? I really want my soulmate. But whats the worst that can happen? I could get a divorce like my parents and yadayadaya..

The media is always talking about the worst that can happen. We are programmed to believe that way. We're conditioned...

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How To Escape The Matrix - 3 Ways!!!

Sep 30, 2019

In essence, the matrix is this space time continuum. It's space and time reality that we're trapped in where we've identified with our minds and we think we're our bodies and we are lost in the illusion of time. Albert Einstein said that time is an illusion....All be it a good one.

And so what happens is when we get stuck in time, we're lost in the matrix and we can't have an upgraded consciousness and we can't have liberation because we're stuck in the past, the future and we're always oscillating back and forth between worrying about the past, regretting this, contemplating the future, and we're never really present.

Only in this moment can we access the dormant powers in our own consciousness and find liberation. And so we also project this up because the matrix convinces us to want things in the future. Hey, you'll be happy when you get the house, when you get the car, when you get the money, when you get the job, when you get the soulmate, when you get the diamond ring, when...

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11 Signs You Will Get Rich One Day

Sep 27, 2019

You will get rich // Sign #1 you've banished the idea that money is bad.


The idea that money is bad is such a primitive idea. Money is a neutral energy system. Money is a medium of exchange. That's all money is. It's not good and it's not bad. It just simply, is. It's just a very simple medium of exchange that makes a very complex world, a lot more simple.

However, if anything, money is good. Why? Because money allows you to do a lot of awesome things in life. Whether it's travel, help underprivileged people, drive your dream car, put your kids through great school. Money is a medium that can allow you to have the experiences that you really want in life. Therefore, if anything, money is good. And it should be acquired by you.

Why? Because it allows you to have more of the experiences that you want. Look, you can be a rich jerk and you can be a poor jerk. You can have the same huge ego that thinks you're better than people when you're rich, just as when you're poor. You...

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