Secret Weapon In The Law of Attraction

Sep 04, 2019

Wayne Dyer said it beautifully. It's my favorite and most simplistic definition of the law of attraction, but it's also the most paradoxical. It says "you don't get what you want. You get what you are."


The law of attraction is mass marketed as "you get what you want and think about". And that's partially because it's easier to explain it that way, especially because our society has been conditioned to look at the reality from a Newtonian perspective. Isaac Newtons theory that everything is as solid matter and physical objects being the absolute reality.


All of a sudden Albert Einstein comes along. E = MC Squared. Essentially showing us that energy and mass energy and matter are one in the same. We now know that there is no such thing as matter at all

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How To Get Rich In 2019

Sep 03, 2019

Five signs that money is coming your way. Here's five signs that you're going to get rich in 2019 and beyond. Now, I can tell you these with absolute certainty because not too long ago I met an individual that became my mentor and his name is Bob proctor. He gave me five takeaways, five signs that money was going to come into my life.


I want to share these with you because without fail, if you see these signs, you are going to see your bank account grow quickly.


Get Rich In 2019 # 1

You are focused on the process of adding value and you have forgotten about money.


Yes. You heard that, right? And this is a total paradox, but let me tell you, I thought about money every single day when I didn't have it. I think about money less than I ever have ever thought about it.

Now that I'm financially independent. Bob proctor told me, "look, the irony is that you actually think about money all the time when you don't have it and when you have money, you hardly ever...

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Attract HUGE Amounts of Money Instantly!!!

Aug 23, 2019

In this video I'm going to share with you how to make money chase you and how to manifest the money you want without worrying about it making you attractive to the energy of money cause money needs you more than you need it. Money is useless unless it has you.

Have you ever noticed that the things in life that you often want seem to come easier when you stop trying to get them so hard? Happens in dating all the time, right? You go on the first date and the guy's like, oh my God, I want to get married tomorrow.

I really, really, really want to date someone so bad. Oh my gosh. You're like, stay over there. Don't come any closer. Then you sneak out the backdoor when you where "going to the bathroom".

The ironic thing about life is when we try too hard for things we want, they fall through our hands. Money is a part of that as well.

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Manipulated, Tricked, and Brainwashed!!!

Aug 22, 2019

We have been manipulated, brainwashed, led astray, and run amok.

We have been told and we now believe some very very very dangerous things and they're blocking you from getting the money you want, from getting the job you want, the opportunity you want, or whatever it is you want!

This is what's blocking it. Second of all, Mark Twain said, in essence, it's the things that you think that are true that just ain't so.

And there's a big big big difference between a lie and an absolute truth.

Here's an absolute truth. We breathe using oxygen. The sun rises every day. Here's another absolute Truth -physical matter is made of energy.

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Hidden Bible Teaching on How To Talk To God

Aug 21, 2019

The most powerful hidden bible teaching explains how to talk to God. All throughout history, religions, institutions, and just hearsay, society at large has kept us and misled us from the truth about the Bible and how to talk with God.

How to, how to live from that godly place. So in this video, I want to share with you the most powerful Hidden Bible technique that's going to allow you to talk to God so that you can live the happiest life, the most spiritually connected life, and use that same creative power of the universe that built the galaxy and spins the earth perfectly around the sun.

Now you can use that same power in order to manifest what you want into your life, that you can actually use that same God energy that has created the solar system and put us into existence. You can harness that power by knowing how to pray properly. You can talk with God, channel that energy to manifest the things that you want. Sounds crazy, but it's very powerful.

Here's how most people pray...

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3 Steps To Getting Rich In 2019

Aug 20, 2019

Number one to getting rich in 2019 - you understand that there is no prerequisite to having financial freedom other than being alive.

It sounds kind of strange, right? I used to say, "I'm too young and I don't know much about business and I don't have my degree and I don't know that much about economics...." yadayadayada...

They said, "none of that matters. You have to decide that you're going to be rich and right now Jake, what you're doing is you're making up a lot of ideas why you cannot be rich. In other words, Jake, you've decided you will not be rich and you're using rational reasons why you cannot be rich. 

You keep telling me you're too young. You don't have a degree. You don't know that much about money. You don't know that much about finance. You don't know that much about business. You don't know how it'll all work out yet deep down, you've already decided you can't be rich!"

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How To Talk To God

Aug 19, 2019

In Genesis 1:31, it says that God looked down on all that he made and saw that it was good. God looked out at everything created and said it was good. From a nonbiblical standpoint, there was an Indian guru named Mukdanonda once had all of his people in his ashram. He looked out at all them and asked, what is the difference between good and God?

Everyone was silent in thought and wonder. The guru held up his hand forming a zero with him thumb and fingers. There is zero difference between good and God. In fact, how to communicate with God is to recognize that God is good.

By you intending to feel good, you connect to the supreme consciousness of the universe and when you're connected to that supreme consciousness of the universe and you're feeling good, it's not a mental activity. This is coming from a state of being and when that occurs, what happens?

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How To Be Grateful

Aug 18, 2019

Quite a few years ago, I did something. It led me to having a multiple million dollar international business, attracting my soulmate and waking up in the morning and saying, yes, I have created my dream life and I want to share it with you.


With this manifestation technique you will also be able to live a life by design and wake up excited to go to work and live your life every day. Let's get right into this blog!


So about the time that I finally really realized my thoughts created my reality and that everything was energy, my thoughts became things.


Maybe similar to you, I had found youtube videos, read certain books and blogs, and maybe you started following your dreams. I started following my dreams and part of me deep down still didn't believe that my thoughts became things.


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Law of Attraction Coach Gives Manifestation Technique

Aug 17, 2019

Here's a three step manifestation process that you can use to attract anything that you want in 2019. It can be as easy and as simple as this. It's a process that you can utilize in order to attract what you want this year so the first step is - you've got to be able to think it.


Now, the third step I'm going to share with you is the one nobody understands. It's the most important so make sure you stick with me all the way through. But step number one is in order to have it, you have to think it.

You have to own it in consciousness. So in order for this youtube channel to take off, I had to literally create a vision in my mind seeing my youtube channel taking off, I saw the numbers on my subscriber button go up and up, saw the comments that weren't there yet, all of that.


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How To Align With The Universe

Aug 16, 2019

Quite a few years ago, I did something. It led me to having a multiple million dollar international business, attracting my soulmate and waking up in the morning and saying, yes, I have created my dream life and I want to share it with you.


With this manifestation technique you will also be able to live a life by design and wake up excited to go to work and live your life every day. Let's get right into this blog!


So about the time that I finally really realized my thoughts created my reality and that everything was energy, my thoughts became things.


Maybe similar to you, I had found youtube videos, read certain books and blogs, and maybe you started following your dreams. I started following my dreams and part of me deep down still didn't believe that my thoughts became things.


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