Wayne Dyer's Most Powerful Law of Attraction Secret

Sep 26, 2019

Wayne Dyers most powerful law of attraction secrets. If you want to manifest what you want, this will change your life. When I learned this Wayne Dyer secret for manifesting, all my dreams came true! Before I was so confused on how am I to get there? Everything started unfolding in my life. Real miracles.

Dyre is my favorite spiritual teacher in the entire world. And you know, I was struggling. I was putting up my vision boards. I was saying my affirmations. I knew what my goals were. I was working really hard, but I wasn't getting there. And I came across something that Wayne Dyer said, "you don't get what you want". I was like, what the heck? You don't get what you want? That's what I thought you've been telling me this whole time.

"You don't get what you want. You get what you are!"

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Manifest Instantly Using This Astral Projection Technique!!

Sep 25, 2019

In this blog, I'm going to be sharing an astral projection technique that you can use in order to switch dimensions so that you can manifest anything that you want. And if you do this with practice, you can actually manifest the things that you want instantly.

We're multidimensional beings and we live in an infinite universe where all possibilities exist and there's a lot of parallel realities and energy that exists beyond the spectrum of visible light that our eyes can pick up, that we've been accustomed to think that this is absolute reality, when in fact, you know, it's not absolute reality.

It's a relative reality that we've been conditioned to think is absolute. And so a lot of people will use astral projection out of curiosity to dis identify with their body to go through an outer body experience.

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Hidden Bible Teachings That Teach The True Teachings of Jesus Christ

Sep 24, 2019

This hidden teaching of the Bible explains Jesus Christ's message on consciousness and how to creep what you really want in life. See, the real messages of the Bible and Jesus are very swept under the rug. I'm going to share with you the greatest secrets. You can use them to create all the things that you want in life and help a lot of other people do the same thing.

from our first bible teachings, let's pull from  Romans 12:2. It says, "be not conformed to this world". They talked funny in those days. So don't get bent over by this world, but be transformed. Don't conform to their rules. All the limitations of this world that says, you're not good enough. You're not smart enough. Here's why you can't have it. Look at all the evidence. Your last relationships haven't worked out. You don't deserve to be rich, there's no money. There's no good guys or girls left...

When we conform to this world, we take on all the limitations of it. Most people live in reactionary consciousness....

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How To Never Get Angry or Upset Again!!!

Sep 23, 2019

When I originally recorded the video for this content, I filmed for about 25 minutes. I was really in the flow, and then learned my microphone wasn't on! As you can imagine, that is a moment where frustration is expected, right? And it made me think that everything is exactly as it's supposed to be.

What causes you to feel upset by a negative, difficult or toxic person? It's not the other person. It's our resistance to what's happening, wishing they were other than they are, that the moment was different than what it was, that we didn't have to go through this. It's our resistance to what is happening. 

And when my microphone was off, I realized, everything is exactly perfect.

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Money Spell Chant To Manifest More Money!!

Sep 20, 2019

In today's blog, let's talk about my miracle money spell chant to attract more money. Everything in this physical universe is just energy. Some people seeing this will say that it's a new age belief to believe such things. I want to invite those people to look up science's long proven law that everything is energy. 

Your consciousness is what dictates the energy that you bring into your life and this miracle money chant is going to program your consciousness to start pulling great opportunities to you.

What's a chant? It's something on repeat. Kind of like the chorus of a song. Well, if you had to define the average person's money chant, what do you think it would be? I can think from experience in my own life that mine used to be something like this. "Money, money. I hate you. Money, money, come back, money, money. Where are you? I hate you. Why aren't you here? I'm not good enough for you. Money, money, please come to me".

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DMT Breathing Exercise To Release DMT!!!

Sep 19, 2019

In this blog, I'm going to share with you a breathing technique to release DMT and raise your vibration instantly. I like to do this before I visualize because it increases the ability that I have to visualize and see things clearly. So DMT is the apparent spirit molecule that helps us dream and it releases from our brain right before we pass away and die. The reason that I like this breathing technique that I'm about to share with you is because it allows me activate.


I hear a lot of people say they can't visualize very clearly. So I do this before I visualize and it helps me really step into a lucid place where I can visualize clearly, which in turn increases my energy and my vibration. It purifies my consciousness and allows me to attract those things into my life quicker now that I visualize so clearly. Let me explain.

I feel more connected to the images in my brain because i can feel them as if they're real. I'm producing more emotions and then my brain starts...

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3 Ways To Get Rich in 2019!!!

Sep 18, 2019

Three shocking ways to get rich in 2019. Here are three shocking ways that actually changed my entire life forever.

I was struggling to get my career really going and I was working so hard and my wife was in credit card debt and I did these three things that I learned. I wasn't sure whether they'd really work, but I figured I'll just do them and see.

Oh my gosh, it changed my entire life. I'm so excited to hear about your bank account growing from utilizing these three shocking ways to get rich in 2019 and beyond.

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Most Powerful Law of Attraction Coaching Technique

Sep 17, 2019

Number One, Law of attraction coaching technique for manifesting anything you want fast. I said the word fast and it seems kind of like a paradox when things coming fast in this material world where things come slow is what we expect. But nothing could be further from the truth.

At present time I have just under 500,000 youtube subscribers and this channel has got maybe like 40 million views all in the last two or three years. It wasn't that long ago, I remember starting to get frustrated because I had put a lot of time and money and effort for a while into youtube and I wasn't getting results from it.

I was spending money on camera editing, all these things that I didn't like. I didn't know if I could justify the effort I was putting into it anymore because it wasn't getting a return. And I was getting like one subscriber a day, some days in the negatives, like negative two because maybe I didn't get any subscribers and I published a video and some people didn't like it, so they...

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5 Laws of Attraction Techniques To Attract Whatever You Want in Life

Sep 16, 2019

Five law of attraction techniques I used to finally manifest anything I want. So if there's something you want to manifest and you really want it to start working quickly and fast, stick around! In this blog I'm going to share with you five law of attraction techniques that started to get me over the speed bumps and help me manifest my dream life.

Law of Attraction Techniques #1 The Actor's Technique

There is a type of technique and acting called method acting. One of the originators of this was named Stella Adler. Stella Adler taught method acting. how to act as if you already were the character you were trying to act for your movie or your film. How to become it in essence.

I thought I was too young. In the early stage of building my career I thought I was going to need to cut my hair or change my appearance, go back to school to get my degree, I thought money was the root of all evil and I was a bad person If I did something that I cared about and then made money at it...


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How To Manifest A Text Message From A Specific Person

Sep 11, 2019

STEP #1 - How To Manifest A Text Message


Okay, so the first step, in order to manifest text message, email, phone call, attract a specific person, you have to believe that it's possible.


So what do I mean by believe it's possible? I'm not talking about just having blind faith that this bizarre idea that you can manifest the text message or that you can manifest a phone call from somebody will work. Let's talk about how it would actually work. So first of all, everything is energy. I look down and see my body, but it's actually just a certain vibratory pattern of information.


We call it a body because our physical senses are conditioned to only see visible light. So it looks solid here in third dimension, but it's not. And anyone that you would want to attract is the same thing. They're essentially a packet of information. They're a vibratory pattern of light photons and information that appears to be solid.


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